
#35 Move project to github....

release 1.0
Dave Rawks

This project seems to have gone quite stale over here at sourceforge. I have a few features I'd like to implement and would be much more likely to contribute (as would others I presume) if the project were hosted using git for version control and was on a site with a bit more visibility.


  • John Calcote

    John Calcote - 2014-11-21

    Dave - would you like to take over the project? I don't think it's being used by the LDS Church anymore, or if it is, they have what they need from it. I don't work for them anymore and I don't have time to maintain it. I'd be happy to grant you admin rights and you can then move it to github if you like.

  • Dave Rawks

    Dave Rawks - 2014-11-21

    I'm quite surprised by this response :) Sure, I can take the reigns. As I mentioned it hasn't seen any changes for a good long while so I don't expect migration to be too disruptive. Are you the sole copyright holder?

  • John Calcote

    John Calcote - 2014-11-23

    I'm not sure why you're surprised - you said yourself that this project was quite stale, so it should come as no shock to you that no one's working actively on it. :) The fact is, I was hired to set up the project as an open source project, and get it into good shape to be contributed to by the community. Once that task was done, I moved on, but the Church sort of dropped the ball on maintenance after that. Since I'm technically still a maintainer, I think it's quite reasonable to pass the baton on to someone who has more to contribute to it.

    You asked about copyright. I don't personally hold any copyrights on the source. It's currently copyrighted by "Intellectual Reserve" - an LDS Church corporate entity. However, it's "copylefted" under the GPL v2, so you're welcome to continue to distribute it that way, and even fork it as a different version of the project if you like.

    Let me know how you'd like to proceed - you can either take the reigns of this project and move it forward, or you can fork it to github as your own project.

  • Box293

    Box293 - 2015-04-16

    I would like to help move this project to GitHub, I would like to see it continue to live on.

    I would prefer not to fork it, I just think it needs a new home to help it improve with other users contributions.

    What is the best way to move forward to make this happen?


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