
DNAStrider / News: Recent posts

The orginal DNA Strider for MacOSX is actually exists.

I recently get response from Dr. Dennis J. Templeton that the original DNA Strider develope by Dr. Marck is updated to MacOSX (1.4f6). Therefore, there is no need for my DNAStrider project to go on. And it is not appropriate for us to continue use DNAStrider and the icon for our project. I will pause the update untill there is further need. I will focus on the development of LabHome project and may change DNAStrider as client of LabHome server.... read more

Posted by wskwntei 2009-04-28

DNAStrider develop status changed from pre-alpha to alpha

DNAStrider develop status changed from pre-alpha to alpha. We now encourage users to submit bug report now.

Posted by wskwntei 2009-04-09

DNAStrider is now included in brothersoft download library

DNA strider for windows XP is now included in brothersoft download library. However, there is no downloads yet. Hopefully the number will goes up soon.

Posted by wskwntei 2009-03-26

DNAStrider 1.58.1 is now released.

Finally get my hand on a macbook pro. The new release is based on windows version 1.58 and add support for .ab1 file format.

1. fixed the bug that close file and close all do not work as it should have.

2. fixed the bug that different file format don’t have different icon. Add support for double click the file and open with DNAStrider. You may need to choose application and check “alway open with” and then select the DNAStrider program.... read more

Posted by wskwntei 2009-03-23

DNAStrider now in download library of softpedia

DNAStrider is now included in softpedia's download library. Current only mac version is include for some reason. It has been downloaded 4466 times in addiction to 3622 times in

Posted by wskwntei 2009-03-23