
Dungeon Masters Little Helper / News: Recent posts

DiceBuddy RC1 Beta4 Released

The DMLH Project's latest release is the DiceBuddy Sub-application 4th Beta. This is probably going to be the first finalized verion, and we think we are now ready to move on to the next part of the project and make more revisions (add skinning etc) to the Dicebuddy application later.

Posted by Shawn Barton 2003-10-15

DiceBuddy RC1 Beta2 Released

The second beta of the DiceBuddy SubApp has been released. This version includes a previously unavailable feature, new skin, a bug fix found in Beta1 and more.

Posted by Shawn Barton 2003-10-08

DiceBuddy RC1 Beta Released

The first release of the DiceBuddy for is now available ! give it a thorough testing ;)

Posted by Shawn Barton 2003-10-08

New Positions announced !

The project is now seeking people to fill some new and interesting positions ! Find more information here:


Posted by Shawn Barton 2003-10-02

Project Underway

The project site skeleton has just been uploaded and the project coding has started. We hope to have a first beta release out soon !

Posted by Shawn Barton 2003-09-30