B. Black - 2008-11-19

Do any of the existing web plug-ins support bookmarks? I realize that this would mean saving session data outside of normal browser cache but, umm, we're talking about a document viewer. Six-page document samples are nice and all but what if I'm using this thing to review a 20,000 page document (yes this is common for many who are using pdf). I want to be able to bookmark pages, print bookmarked pages, view only bookmarked pages, export bookmarked pages to a separate/new djvu document etc... Also, the ability to save session state on the server side is probably a pipe-dream, unless I can find cash to finance the development. You'd have to use something with an existing user/permissions hierarchy, ala sugarcrm. If I'm at work and tire out after reviewing the first 10,000 pages, I'd like to be able to go home, play with the kids, have dinner and return to my document at the page I left off and with all bookmarks in tact.

I can't see any document format being viable in a real-world applications without these features. If djvu has these already and I've just overlooked them in my extensive google searching, I apologize for any cynicism expressed hererin...I'm tired right now. I hope that I will stand corrected shortly.

Ohh yeah...the addition of a 512-character (or more) user notes field per-page or per-highlight (even better) would make the format that much more practical. These notes better be optionally searchable, too.

Merry day. :~)