
#60 Annotations

Adam Earle

Anotation similar to RV would be awesome. just wondering if you could use any open source tech for this
OpenToonz, Blender Grease Pencil, Tupi, Pencil, Krita and so on. Audio would be awesome as well.

Here is a link:

Fantastic work guys



  • Robert Shatty

    Robert Shatty - 2018-10-30

    Any update on this ?
    Basic brush, text & arrow is more than enough. Thanks

  • darbyjohnston

    darbyjohnston - 2018-10-30


    Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. I'll tentatively add this feature for the next version.

  • darbyjohnston

    darbyjohnston - 2018-10-30
    • Group: None --> 1.3.0
  • Robert Shatty

    Robert Shatty - 2019-04-06

    Any update ? i saw commits on github with Anotation tag.

  • darbyjohnston

    darbyjohnston - 2019-04-06

    Hi Robert, I'm planning on adding this feature to the 1.3 release which will be out at the beginning of May. I'll have a beta version available before then if you want to test it out, I'll post an update when it's ready.

  • Robert Shatty

    Robert Shatty - 2019-04-10


  • Robert Shatty

    Robert Shatty - 2019-05-12

    Any update ?

  • darbyjohnston

    darbyjohnston - 2019-05-13

    Hi Robert,

    Sorry for the delay; there's a beta version available which you can find here:

    For now I've only uploaded a Windows installer for the beta, let me know if you need one for OS X or Linux.

    I haven't written up any documentation yet, but try it out and and let me know what you think. You can open up the annotation tool from the menu or the pencil icon on the tool bar.

    Thanks, Darby

  • Robert Shatty

    Robert Shatty - 2019-05-14

    I liked Frame/Text metadata widget with JSON file.

  • darbyjohnston

    darbyjohnston - 2019-05-16

    Thanks for trying it out; I also included a sample Python script that will convert the JSON and exported images into a static HTML page. If you want to check it out it's installed here:

    C:\Program Files\DJV\scripts\

    You can add it to the export page and it will run automatically when you hit the export button (see the attached screenshot).

  • Robert Shatty

    Robert Shatty - 2019-05-16

    Mind blowing, I was not aware of Python support inside DJV. What else i can do with this ?
    Is it possible to integrate openTimelineIO with this ?
    Thanks very much

  • darbyjohnston

    darbyjohnston - 2019-05-30

    Hi Robert, sorry again for the delay! This feature doesn't provide general Python support it just allows you to run a Python script to process the annotations. At some point I would like to add full Python support, but it's a fair bit of work so it's probably a ways off.

  • darbyjohnston

    darbyjohnston - 2019-06-02

    I just released version 1.3 which has the new annotations functionality; you can download it here:

    There is some basic documentation for it here:

    Please try it out and let me know if you have any feedback.

  • darbyjohnston

    darbyjohnston - 2019-06-02
    • status: open --> closed
  • Luke Whitehorn

    Luke Whitehorn - 2019-08-26

    The documentation link is broken.

    • darbyjohnston

      darbyjohnston - 2019-08-26

      Hi Luke, sorry about that, the online link is broken but you access the documentation locally if you download and install the 1.3 version. It is available from the the "Help" menu.

  • Jack

    Jack - 2020-04-16

    Hi there, has this feature been removed from version 2?