
#73 lost session in jwebbrowser

Mr Lee

Hi chrriis,

I have a Swing application embed IE using dj library. It's load the web CRM into the Jwebbrowser everything is good in the first time but after that the web CRM lost session (or some thing similar) and user must login again. That issue repeat several times a day.

How can I detect the reason? Can you suggest some thing to solve it?

Thank you so much


  • Christopher Deckers

    I searched through SWT bugs, and this one seems similar:

    If that is the case, then the bug is in SWT and there is little I could do to help you...
    The only thing I can think of would be to switch runtime (for XULRunner or Safari) to see if they work better though you may get other beahviors.

    Hope this helps,

  • Mr Lee

    Mr Lee - 2014-09-29

    Hi Chrriis,

    First, thank you so much for response my question.

    This bug relate to SWT library. So, can I update the newest SWT to solve it? I'm using SWT version 4.3.

    Can you tell me how to set the default IE version to embed in to component? I set the registry value solve it (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION java.exe, javaw.exe)

    Thank you so much.

    • Christopher Deckers


      This bug relate to SWT library. So, can I update the newest SWT to solve it? I'm using SWT version 4.3.

      This bug is not marked as fixed by the SWT developers, so I think upgrading SWT would not help. You could vote for that bug to increase the chances of getting a fix. You could also submit a patch if you know how to fix the SWT code.

      Can you tell me how to set the default IE version

      Have a look at my comment and the associated links:

      Does it help you in any way?



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