Bob Woodward - 2003-09-10

I've got a .avi file that I'm trying to repair.  I've downloaded v1.0.1 of DivXRepair.  When I run it on the file, it counts fast to the frame where VirtualDup 1.4.7 fails then starts counting very slowly for a little more than 100 frames.  Maybe as high as 125.  Then DivXRepair breaks with a divide by zero error message and goes into the crash screen.  There is no VirtualDub.dbg in the download file so I tried copying it from the VirtualDub 1.4.7 directory and now it says the VirtualDub.dbg file is not the right version.  Also, the crash window has "save+" and "save" without ANY clue of which one should be used.

What should I do now?

TIA for any help.