Lisa Dyer - 2009-07-21

DITA2Confluence does not (and should not, IMO) control the layout. That is done by either customizing the Confluence Velocity resources or by using a plugin like Theme Builder (Adaptavist).

However, DITA2Confluence can, in theory, inject just about any type of macro clause to a resulting wiki page. The sort ID macro is an example of this (puts a {set-sort-id:xxxx} on each imported page). So, you could e.g. inject a section somewhere on each page that shows content originating from the wiki and not the DITA src (e.g. a cloud of related labels, just to give you an idea).

What I think you're requesting is the ability to extend DITA2Confluence so that you can programmatically inject whatever macro clauses you want during the DITA->wiki import.

Does this accurately summarize your request? If not, pls add more detail to your use case and we will take it under consideration.