
dispy version 2.8

  • Giridhar Pemmasani

    dispy version 2.8 has been released. This version implements Condition
    primitive as per Condition primitive in threading module (earlier versions
    differed slightly and incomplete). In addition, added AsynCoroThreadPool and
    AsynCoroDBCursor. AsynCoroThreadPool can be used to create a pool of threads
    to schedule synchronous tasks that can't be made asynchronous.
    AsynCoroDBCursor uses AsynCoroThreadPool to convert synchronous database
    cursor operations into asynchronous operations. This works with MySQLdb under
    Python 2.x and pymysql under Python 3.x.

  • homegis

    homegis - 2012-04-29

    Dispy is a flexible tool for data parallelization. But I noted that there are
    some problems about mapreduce implementation through the word count example in
    the tutorial. It looks like that if we want to distribute the data before
    processing, we have to store all the data in every compute node. It much waste
    the storage and bandwidth. so I suggest if could expose the interface of node
    setting for assigning the data jobs to the right compute nodes. Then the data
    distribution and data locality can be exploited.

  • Giridhar Pemmasani

    Thanks for your post.

    I am not sure I understand your concern. JobCluster takes 'nodes' argument
    that specifies which nodes can execute the jobs. Thus, as alluded in the word
    count example, specific nodes ('node1' and 'node2' in that example) are
    assumed to have the data locally so the files are not transferred. If this
    doesn't address what you mention, please feel free to email me.

    The documentation of dispy is a bit lacking! I am guessing setting up a wiki
    may improve the quality. I am trying sourceforge's new interface for asyncoro
    project. If that works well, I will setup wiki so others can contribute

  • Giridhar Pemmasani

    BTW, I just want to add that the files are transferred only if necessary. I
    think documentation for this is far from easy to understand. It is possible to
    setup transfer directory on remote nodes to specify where the files
    should/would be. Then the nodes and client check if files (timestamp and size)
    and transfer only those files that are not up to date. Further, if
    'cleanup=False' is specified to cluster, dispynode won't remove files
    transferred so that if they are needed in future computations (e.g., a
    different run of same computation), the files don't need to be transferred at
    all. These features are implemented specifically to address data locality

  • homegis

    homegis - 2012-04-30

    Thank you for response.
    Sorry about I have not explain my problem clearly. My scenario is about
    partitioning the data and distributing them over the compute nodes (in local
    storage or DFS) by user program, and then processing the data by using dispy.
    Take example for word count, I want to store data 'doc1' on node1, and 'doc2'
    on node2, etc. Althrough JobCluster in Dispy can specify the nodes, but how to
    schedule each job over these nodes is controlled by dispy itself and it looks
    like the scheduler in dispy has no data-awared feature alike hadoop mapreduce
    framework now. In fact, dispy couldn't know which node each partitioning data
    is on. Users may have their own scheduling strategy. So in this case, how to
    specify the node that each job is submitted to?

  • Giridhar Pemmasani

    The framework is generic enough that you can customize it to suit specific
    needs. For example, you can create one cluster per node (extreme case) and
    distribute jobs so each node processes specifically for that cluster. Thus,
    assuming that 'doc1' is on 'node1' and 'doc2' is on 'node2' etc., rough sketch

    cluster1 = JobCluster(mapper, nodes=)
    cluster2 = JobCluster(mapper, nodes=)
    now submit 'doc1' job to cluster1, 'doc2' job to cluster2 etc.

    Of course, you can partition nodes more coarsely, if appropriate (such as,
    say, 'node1' and 'node5' have 'doc1' and 'doc8', etc., in which case you
    cluster1 above could use nodes= and submit both 'doc1' and 'doc8' to


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