

Scott Franco

Welcome to your wiki!

This is the default page, edit it as you see fit. To add a new page simply reference it within brackets, e.g.: [SamplePage].

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Project Admins:


  • Scott Franco

    Scott Franco - 2013-03-27


    Welcome to version 1.9. This version now supports Windows, Linux and dos direct via BIOS

    There have also been many code fixups.



  • Scott Franco

    Scott Franco - 2013-12-08

    A note on version numbers:

    Version numbers are x.y[.z]. The x.y number is the standard release number, the first is the major release, the second is minor releases. If a third number appears, it means it is a beta push, meaning it has changes, but we didn't want to do a formal release. It will not be reflected in the .zip release, and it is not extensively tested, so you use at your own risk.

    Beta numbers can get quite high, unlike minor release numbers that usually (but don't always) roll when they reach 10.



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