
Bugs  Maximize  Restore

Showing 7 results of 7

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
17 Failure with Python-2.6.4 / wxpython- None open 2010-02-19 2010-02-19  
16 Not working with Pythong 2.4 and wxPython2.5.4.1? None open 2005-03-20 2005-03-20  
15 Is something wrong with the file dates? None open 2005-02-15 2005-02-15  
14 Setting application icon not working None open 2005-02-15 2005-02-15  
13 Deleting the job in edit mode will prevent new jobs from add None open 2005-02-15 2005-02-15  
12 V2.1rc2 does not start properly None open 2005-02-14 2005-02-14  
11 No error shown if directory is e.g. not mapped None open 2004-07-31 2004-07-31  
  • Ticket Number
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