
Using Moodle: - DimDim problems

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thanks for responding.  I’m glad to hear that you’re adding more enhancements to the Moodle integration pack.

    The issue I am getting is this:

    DimDim 1.60 Alpha (Windows, date 7/30/07 on Sourceforge)

    Users wishing to join a DimDim meeting while using Firefox are not able to do so.  Tried through Moodle and tried directly from the browser.  IE7 attempt from browser was successful.

    I’m sending the wrapper log for one session –

    Firefox attempt through Moodle begins at 14:00:11.
    Firefox attempt through browser begins at 14:00:37.
    IE attempt through browser begins at 14:01:23.


    From: Rajesh Dharmalingam []
    Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 1:05 AM
    To: Matt Campbell
    Cc: Customer Care
    Subject: RE: Using Moodle: Re: DimDim problems

    Hello Matt,

    Thanks Matt. Could you please brief me more about the issue you were facing while joining. Is it through moodle or you were trying to join directly from Dimdim’s join meeting form. Please do mail me your wrapper.log and the configuration files of dimdim to

    We will be releasing a Dimdim - moodle 1.9 integration pack by next week with the fixes for conf key, enhancements for meeting settings through moodle like audio/audio-video, meeting duration, waiting area, network settings. Also, option to back up and restore will be provided.


    From: Matt Campbell []
    Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 9:17 PM
    To: Rajesh Dharmalingam
    Subject: Using Moodle: Re: DimDim problems

    Using Moodle » Forums » Messaging » DimDim problems

    Re: DimDim problems
    by Matt Campbell - Wednesday, August 1 2007, 10:54 PM

         I solved this by changing a couple of files:

    /mod/dimdim/mod.html -

    Line 93 should read:

    $form->confkey = $course->id.$USER->username;

    Change it to:

    $form->confkey = random_string($length=15);

    /mod/dimdim/view.php -

    Line 167 should read:

    $confkey = $course->id.$USER->username; // conf key

    Change it to:

    $confkey = "$dimdim->confkey"; // conf key

    With these changes, the same presenter could have multiple DimDim conferences per course.

    The only problem I'm having now seems to be from the last version of DimDim - Firefox users couldn't seem to click the Join button. I notice that they've got a 7/30/07 build on Sourceforge for Windows, so I'm going to give that a try and see if it fixes that issue.

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    • Rajesh Dharmalingam

      Hello Matt,

      Great. Please do let us know if you are facing with any issues.

      From: Matt Campbell []
      Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 9:15 PM
      To: Rajesh Dharmalingam
      Subject: RE: Using Moodle: Re: DimDim problems

      I’ve got it figured out – it’s the version of Firefox.  Working fine now.


      From: Rajesh Dharmalingam []
      Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 9:27 AM
      To: Matt Campbell
      Cc: Customer Care
      Subject: RE: Using Moodle: Re: DimDim problems

      Hello Matt,

      Thanks for the updates. Could you please send me a screen shot for the issue you are facing in FF browser? Also, could you please let me know the version of the FF browser you were using?

      From: Matt Campbell []
      Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 6:47 PM
      To: Rajesh Dharmalingam
      Subject: RE: Using Moodle: Re: DimDim problems

      I can confirm that I’m having the same issue with Firefox on your server.  I just finished a session – I started the meeting, attempted to join twice with Firefox, then successfully joined with IE7, and then attempted to join two more times with Firefox.


      From: Rajesh Dharmalingam []
      Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 6:31 AM
      To: Matt Campbell
      Subject: RE: Using Moodle: Re: DimDim problems

      Hello Matt,

      Thanks for the updates. Could you please try with our hosted server with your browsers and let us know if you are facing the same problem?

      Hosted server:
      Username: demo1
      Password: demo1



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