
404 Not Found

  • Klaus

    Klaus - 2007-12-13

    If install lastest 3.00 Beta on CentOS4. The installationscrict ended successfuly. dimdim is started, but if I try to access the webpage I only get the following message:

    404 Not Found

    The path '/' was not found.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/cherrypy/", line 551, in respond
        cherrypy.response.body = self.handler()
      File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/cherrypy/", line 198, in __call__
        raise self
    NotFound: (404, "The path '/' was not found.")

    Powered by CherryPy 3.0.1

    • markw78

      markw78 - 2007-12-14

      Same issue here.  If I go direct to the URL using port :40000 it works.  Need it to work on port 80, hard to follow how this lighttpd works.

    • Rajesh Dharmalingam


      To start a meeting, you need to provide http://<ipaddress>/dimdim/. Please note the / after dimdim. If you give http://<ipaddress>/dimdim, you will be getting the above message.

      Hope this solves the problem. If you are still facing the issues, let us know.


    • markw78

      markw78 - 2007-12-14

      404 Not Found

      The path '/dimdim' was not found.

      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/cherrypy/", line 551, in respond
          cherrypy.response.body = self.handler()
        File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/cherrypy/", line 198, in __call__
          raise self
      NotFound: (404, "The path '/dimdim' was not found.")

      [root@lapp03 local]# find / -name dimdim

      I'm not sure where this lighttpd is really running from.  the /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf shows a path but it's empty, I assume its somewhere within the dimdim tree.

    • Rajesh Dharmalingam


      Kindly look at the previous post i have explained. You need to try as /dimdim/ and not /dimdim. Let us know if this solves the problem.


    • markw78

      markw78 - 2007-12-14

      Hi Rajesh

      Just as you posted this I figured that out.  I read the first part of your first post but not farther, sorry.  I found where it all is and how it works though! :)

      Is it possible to add another proxy.server using /dimdim, or to change this one to that?  Most of my users will not enter the tailing /.  I will try and see.

    • Rajesh Dharmalingam


      Thanks for the feedback. We will fix this issue by removing the tailing / in the next pack .


    • markw78

      markw78 - 2007-12-14

      Both would be ideal, I would hate to confuse all your existing users who may be used to adding it.  Not needing the virtual directory at all would also be an ideal solution, or making it optional some day down the road :) 

      Perhaps just documentation on how to customize this section and users can decide themselves, and less work for you.

      • Robert Brewer

        Robert Brewer - 2008-05-26

        If the app is mounted at / instead of /dimdim, then both should work as long as you have tools.trailing_slash.on (which it is by default). Just make a Root() instance with a single DimDim() subcontroller at root.dimdim.

        I'm surprised by a couple of things, though: 1) that users would be getting tracebacks in 404 messages. Is the dimdim app not using the 'production' environment? and 2) the dimdim open source code isn't in CVS that I can find. I'd love to help you touch up your CherryPy integration, but wading through the 1.5GB VM image is...daunting.

        Robert Brewer
        CherryPy Team

    • DiGiGround

      DiGiGround - 2008-10-21

      I love dimdim but this an annoying feature, there has to be somewhere in the code where I can change it to host on the domain root or any folder I want, where is the configuration for this.  I can't have my people having to type in a /dimdim/ on a top level domain.



    • John Guthrie

      John Guthrie - 2008-10-23

      I am getting a similar message when I try to host a meeting at the website.  I click on the "host a meeting" button, and then I enter the parameters for the meeting.  After that, I *always* get the following message:

      HTTP Status 404 - /portal/html/portal/&lc=en_US&publisherEnabled=true

      type Status report

      message /portal/html/portal/&lc=en_US&publisherEnabled=true

      description The requested resource (/portal/html/portal/&lc=en_US&publisherEnabled=true) is not available.

      I have tried several meeting parameter variations, I have even tried different operating systems, and I still get the exact same error message.

      Any ideas?



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