
Running Dimdim on 64bit box

  • Rajesh Dharmalingam


    To run Dimdim on 64 bit linux box, there is no change in the dimdim webapp. You need to replace the following in tomcat server:
    1. wrapper located in dimdim/ConferenceServer/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/bin
    2. and wrapper.jar located under dimdim/ConferenceServer/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/common/lib

    These files can be downloaded from

    Please do let us know if you are facing any issues while doing so in 64bit Linux machines.


    • Guenther Tomschik

      Followed all descripted steps properly.

      Trying to start dimdim, running on Debian-4 with 64 bit, also running the 64 bit wrapper release 3.3.3, java-6 also running at 64 bit version.

      Problem: hanging at this point:  jvm 2    | WrapperManager Debug: Open socket to wrapper...Wrapper-Connection

      Seems not to be able to find the JVM instance running, how could i debug this?

      Any idea what is wrong?
      I am running dimdim on a 32 bit machine without problems....

      Thanks for any help!

      • Yeshua Watson

        Yeshua Watson - 2009-05-11

        Try checking the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Although honestly, this shouldn't matter.

        You could also try strace and save the log file to see where it's looking (and failing) for the bin.

        Another thing to try  is searching with grep for the launch commands used.

        That's all I can think of right now.

    • Jay

      Jay - 2009-05-11

      Early on, I tried running Dimdim 4.5 on the 64-bit version of CentOS 5.2.  There were too many packages missing and configuration problems.  Dimdim recommends using the 32-bit version of CentOS 5.2, which works fine, if you follow the directions included in the Dimdim Cent OS 5.2 RPM Package v4.5.  Save yourself the headaches of using distros other than 32-bit CentOS 5.2.  Even easier is using an Amazon EC2 AMI with Dimdim installed (a pre-configured image uploaded to Amazon's servers)--see another post in this forum section.


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