
Does the last version support more than one

  • John

    John - 2007-09-04


    Does the latest version of DimDim support more the one webcam?

    • Rajesh Dharmalingam


      Thanks for the suggestion. Right now we do not have this feature. Could you please brief us with more details about the requirement and how you would like to have this in Dimdim?


      • John

        John - 2007-09-10

        I have a situation where each person in a meeting would like to be able to see each other while the meeting is in progress.  This way it would feel like a true meeting. And if one of the people do not have a webcam they would only get audio. 

        Maybe this could be a selection on the join meeting menu whether the person has a webcam or not. 

        This would be a great future in an already great piece of software.

        John Steele
        McGraw Schools

    • Rajesh Dharmalingam


      Right now two way video is not available in Dimdim. It is possible that in future we will implement this feature.

      In next couple of months we will have the multiple presenters scenario where the Presenter can make any attendee as a presenter during the meeting. Then the new presenter can do things like video sharing, presentation, desktop and application sharing. Does this fulfill your requirements? Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any queries.



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