
Dimdim appliance user name and password

Lon Beal
  • Lon Beal

    Lon Beal - 2008-05-21

    I've searched the documentation and looked through this forum for the default user name and password for the Appliance, to no avail. Does anyone know what the combo is or where to find it?

    • Rajesh Dharmalingam


      Username : password  == root : dimdim


      P.S. The username and password is provided in the documentation "Dimdim_Software_Appliance_v3.5_Readme.txt"

      Please follow the below steps to get your Dimdim VMWare Image up.

      1. unzip VMWare image.
      2. chmod +x * (In case you are on linux)
      3. Import the VMWare image to the VMWare Player.
      3. Start the VMWare image from the player.
      4. Please make sure your VMWare Network Settings is in Bridged mode.
      5. User credentials for Dimdim Virtual machine is as follows

      Username : root
      Password : dimdim

    • Lon Beal

      Lon Beal - 2008-05-21

      Thanks for the quick reply. That was too simple. :-)


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