
New Dimdim Community Manager

  • Kevin Micalizzi

    Kevin Micalizzi - 2008-11-14

    I just joined Dimdim this week (day 4) as the Community Manager.  I'll be trying to stay active within the SourceForge forums as well as the ones on 

    If there is anything I can help with, let me know.  My direct email is kevin (at) dimdim (dot) com.

    Kevin Micalizzi, Dimdim Community Manager
    e: kevin (at) dimdim (dot) com

    • gareth

      gareth - 2008-11-14

      Ok - I'll go first :)

      Are you able to let us know when we can get our hands on the latest version (4.5)?  I've just started using Dimdim & realized that before I dive into 3.5 I should prolly wait for the latest & greatest.


      • Kevin Micalizzi

        Kevin Micalizzi - 2008-11-14

        No update today beyond "soon".  I know it's not the answer you want to hear, but I'll hopefully have an official date next week.

        If you don't hear from me by Tuesday -- get on my case. :-)

        Have a great weekend!

        Kevin Micalizzi, Dimdim Community Manager
        e: kevin (at) dimdim (dot) com

    • Kevin Micalizzi

      Kevin Micalizzi - 2008-11-14

      We haven't announced the release date yet, but I know the team is working like mad getting everything finished.  Let me check with the team tomorrow on when you should expect an announcement.

    • Sylvain Avril

      Sylvain Avril - 2008-11-17

      That's good news.
      The open source part of dimdim was like dying : no source release for a long time, ... I'm glad to know that dimdim continue to follow the open source path unlike a few companies.
      Like others, I'm impatient to dive in the latest source version. What I would like to do first is a french translation of the UI.

      I think what should be useful is a source repository to make it easier to include community contributions to the source code.

    • gareth

      gareth - 2008-11-18


      So...    It's Tuesday, and we're on your case.   :)

      • Kevin Micalizzi

        Kevin Micalizzi - 2008-11-18

        I appreciate you staying on my case.  I should be able to get you the date by end of day tomorrow.  Not everyone who needs to signoff on the date has had a chance to yet.

        Kevin Micalizzi, Community Manager, Dimdim Free Web Conferencing
        e: /

    • Kevin Micalizzi

      Kevin Micalizzi - 2008-11-20

      sorry for getting back so late today -- just got back online.  Haven't figured out how to use SourceForge from my mobile yet.

      Still ironing out a few issues with the exact day, but I can say we're looking to have 4.5 out to you by the week of December 8, 2008. 


      Kevin Micalizzi, Community Manager
      Dimdim Free Web Conferencing /
      e: / twitter: @meetdimdim

    • gareth

      gareth - 2008-11-20

      That's great news - thanks for chasing this around for all of us.


      • Kevin Micalizzi

        Kevin Micalizzi - 2008-11-26

        Gareth, I'm excited to say that we should be releasing 4.5 next week.  I have this thread on my list of places to post an announcement when it drops. 


        Kevin Micalizzi, Community Manager
        Dimdim Web Conferencing /
        e: / twitter: @meetdimdim

      • Kevin Micalizzi

        Kevin Micalizzi - 2008-12-03

        Gareth, release 4.5 is out with open source. 

        Feels good to say that. :-)

        Kevin Micalizzi, Community Manager
        Dimdim Web Conferencing /
        e: / twitter: @meetdimdim

    • gareth

      gareth - 2008-12-03




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