
Diablo Bot / News: Recent posts

Diablo v4.0.1 Coming Soon, CVS Preview

Diablo Bot changes are reflected on CVS as soon as they are made. However, due to testing and new ideas, releases are not made as soon as simple changes are made. To take full advantage of this, you may wish to use CVS to keep your verison of Diablo Bot up-to-date.

Currently, Diablo Bot v4.0.1 is nearing release with many important updates, fixes, and features.

Remember: CVS can cause undesired affects if you are unsure what you are doing. For more information on Diablo and CVS, visit

Posted by Dave 2002-11-10

Website Updates

The Diablo Bot website has been updated! Though the style is similar, the layout is much easier to follow and the information more current. For mroe information on Diablo Bot please visit

Posted by Dave 2002-11-10

Diablo Bot v4.0.0 Released

Diablo Bot is a efficient and flexible IRC bot written soley in perl. Version 4.0.0 adds features such as password authentication, user awareness, increased command security, and more.

Diablo Bot v4.0.0 is a combination of the best of previous versions with a focus on fast code and security. Diablo v4.0.0 supports seperate configurations for multipule networks, and minimized control for lesser users to change nicks and servers.... read more

Posted by Dave 2002-11-08