
Infinite timeout...

  • jimisource

    jimisource - 2006-10-31

    Hi, I was using the 3.11 release of the dual server yesterday with a piece of equipment that required an infinite timeout and I noticed that when 0 is set for the lease-seconds value (for infinite timeout) the dual server isn't outputting the correct infinite value. I found that 3.11 will output 4 bytes for option 51 7FFFFFFF, instead of FFFFFFFF.

    Appreciate your work on this project, dual server will be a useful tool when it's finished. Thanks.

    • Achal Dhir

      Achal Dhir - 2006-11-08

      Yes I see the problem, will fix it soon

    • jimisource

      jimisource - 2006-11-13

      Thanks, much appreciated.

    • Achal Dhir

      Achal Dhir - 2006-11-13

      For the time being, can use the numerical value 4294967295 in place of zero.


    • Achal Dhir

      Achal Dhir - 2006-11-20

      Vesion 4.0 should work with Infinite Timeout, pl give it a shot.

    • mybeast

      mybeast - 2007-08-20

      Dear Achal Dhir,

      i´m working with windows release 5.15.

      When i try to force using an infity time lease the start of the dhcp server throws the following exception:

      Section [TIMINGS], Invalid Entry: Lease=0 ignored

      so it is not possible to use infinite IPs for me, do you know that problem and can you fix it?

      best regards


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