
Setting Static IP Address

  • Curt

    Curt - 2008-03-04


    I'm having trouble getting the server to assign a static IP Address.  I can sniff and verify that the MAC address is correct but the server never gives it the address I assigned.  I've tried several different ways to do this but I'm not having any luck.

    If I set the DHCP range to just one address (i.e then it says there are no leases available.  However if I comment out the static IP assignment it will give out .100 to a client.  So it seems like it knows that there is a MAC address that is reserving .100 but it won't actually give out the IP to that MAC address.

    Can anyone help me out on this?  I'm stumped.




    • Achal Dhir

      Achal Dhir - 2008-03-06

      Hi Curt,

      I could not reproduce this. Only few possibilities a) Wrong Mac Address b) Some other DHCP allotting the address c) You are not using latest Built 5.212, where I tested for this issue d) Your DHCP request not reaching to Server due to routers. Please send me your log files, sniffer dumps and state file (DualServer.state), Windows/Linux. Also Pl check if this is 32bit machine. I appreciate your debugging efforts.

      Thanks for Posting.

      • Curt

        Curt - 2008-03-06


        I'll work on getting you the things you wanted to see but I wanted to ask about one this in the .ini file.

        In the section where is shows reserving a MAC address the MAC addresses specified in the []'s do not match the MAC address that is shown in the comment under that section. 

        Here are two examples from the stock .ini file.  Neither MAC matches the one in []'s.  So I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong.  My MAC matches.

        #This is a client with MAC addr 00:41:42:41:42:41

        #This is a client with MAC addr 00:41:42:41:42:41

        Thanks for the help.  I'll try and get the information you need to help me resolve this.  I can see the requests in my wireshark capture with the MAC address but I didn't save it.  I also had an issue when I uncommented the log option nothing appeared in the log.  Again, I'll try this again and post what I find.


    • Achal Dhir

      Achal Dhir - 2008-03-06

      Please ignore the comments, these are wrong, the Mac Addresses are in [], followed by DHCP options for that Mac Address. You need to restart the service after changing log level.

    • Achal Dhir

      Achal Dhir - 2008-03-06

      Your ini file has:-
      #This is a client with MAC addr 00:19:E0:0D:D0:09
      IP_Addr= <>

      while your actual Mac Address of host is:

      They are not same. Let me know if you have any other issue.

      Thanks for trying DualServer


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