
How to set the Camera Offset

  • Reuben Bluff

    Reuben Bluff - 2007-10-02

    Your camera's clock is unlikely to be exactly set to the correct time. It's probably a few seconds off, and this will make the geocoding process less accurate.


    Your camera's clock says it's 2:00:05 when the real time is 2:00:00. Set the offset to -00:00:05 (subtract five seconds)

    Your camera's clock says it's 3:09:00 when the real time is 3:10:00. Set the offset to +00:01:00 (add one minute)


    You can set the offset semi-automatically if you take a photo of your GPS device. In the case of the DG-100, record a manual point at the exact same time as you take the photo. You can record a manual point by pressing the on/off button without holding it down. In the case of other devices, make sure the time (including seconds) displayed on the GPS device's screen is visible in the photo.

    Go to the geocoding tab and click "set from photo/point". Open the photo that you took. Next, select the radio button that is relevant to you.

    DG-100 Users:
    Select the top radio button. The closest manual point is automatically selected, but you can select other manual points from the list.

    Other Users:
    Select the bottom radio button. Enter the time displayed on the GPS device in the photo.

    The resulting offset is displayed at the bottom of the dialog. When you click OK, this offset will be set on the main form. If you have already added photos to the geocoding tab, the date/time will not appear to change after you click OK, but the offset will still be used in the geocoding process.

    • Pixel K.

      Pixel K. - 2007-10-08

      Another way of having an accurate offset is to take a photo of your computer time, synched with NTP (Windows XP and Vista can be easily set to use NTP, on W2K and NT you'll have to install third-parties software).

      • Reuben Bluff

        Reuben Bluff - 2007-10-08

        That's a good idea.


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