
#19 D-Pad on Xbox 360 Controller not read correctly


When configuring an Xbox 360 Controller to use the D-Pad as direction keys, it will read them incorrectly.

When using calibrate this is the result:
joy_pad1_up = "joystick0-hat0-up"
joy_pad1_down = "joystick0-hat0-left_down"
joy_pad1_left = ''
joy_pad1_right = "joystick0-hat0-right"

As you can see, UP and RIGHT are mapped correctly.
But LEFT is blank
DOWN is mapped to LEFT_DOWN.

This means that I can still play when I have calibrated, but when I shut down DGEN and start it up again, I can't move left until I calibrate again since it's not mapped to anything.

System: RaspBerry Pi
Controller: Xbox 360 USB Controller
Driver: xboxdrv


  • A. Normal

    A. Normal - 2013-07-10

    This bug looks a lot like bug #18, which is currently fixed in git. The fix will be part of the next release. Can you compile DGen from git (or manually apply the last patch to your v1.32 source tree) and confirm?

  • A. Normal

    A. Normal - 2013-07-10
    • status: unread --> pending
    • Group: v1.32 --> Current
    • Priority: 5 --> 3
  • DanTheManSWE

    DanTheManSWE - 2013-07-11

    I cloned the git and compiled it, seems to work fine now.


    (Next time I'll check closed tickets before opening a new one ;) )

  • A. Normal

    A. Normal - 2013-07-11
    • status: pending --> closed-fixed
  • A. Normal

    A. Normal - 2013-07-11

    All right, closing bug.

  • A. Normal

    A. Normal - 2014-07-27
    • Group: Current --> v1.33

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