
Developer Todo / News: Recent posts

New, new web page


The web page has moved (again). It's now at:


Posted by Alec Thomas 2001-10-09

New home page

Developer todo has a new homepage:

This is because I am not currently able to release anything to sourceforge due to database issues.


Posted by Alec Thomas 2001-06-27

Performance problems - resolution


If anybody is experiencing extreme (>1-2 seconds) delays when displaying devtodo databases in XML format, the problem has been tracked down to a bug in GLIBC.

So, if you want to fix it, upgrade your glibc!

Just kidding. The next version will include a working version of glibc's regex source along with devtodo and will compile against that, thereby fixing the problem. A hack, but it works.

Thanks to Mark Eichen (a Debian user) for helping me track this down. You can get further information about this bug from the Debian bug tracking database. URL's are:... read more

Posted by Alec Thomas 2001-06-26

Mail problems fixed

Hi, as I mentioned in a previous news item, my mail host has been having some serious issues (no mail for two weeks!).

Arthur Korn (who maintains the Debian packages for devtodo) has come to the rescue and provided me with an account on his own domain! Thanks Arthur :).

So my new mail address is:


Posted by Alec Thomas 2001-05-29

Debian packages

Hi all,

There are Debian packages available at:

Thanks to Arthur Korn for debanising devtodo as well as providing me with a new mail address (one that works!)


Posted by Alec Thomas 2001-05-27

Mail problems


My mail provider is currently..err...screwed, so if you have problems, feel free to mail me at

Posted by Alec Thomas 2001-05-16

Performance problems?


If anybody is experiencing excessive slowdowns using the XML loader, please mail me at:

So far, the only common factor seems to be that the machines experiencing this are AMD K6's.

Some people are experiencing load times of around half a minute with a database with only 80 items.

I need victi...err...testers to help me track it down :), so if you are having this problem, drop me an e-mail.... read more

Posted by Alec Thomas 2001-05-08


I've posted a new topic in the forums, requesting features for the next major release - feel free to contribute ideas.

Posted by Alec Thomas 2001-03-24