
2 minor quirks

  • Steve

    Steve - 2013-01-24

    Hi Pierre, me again!

    You have persuaded me to use 'projects' :), and I note the following:
    When I select the "local root" option it automatically creates the project.prd file in this root. If I then choose Project - Save Project and change directory to my projects directory I get a new project file, and the [options] section of the new file loses the LocalPath value.

    Thus the "Save Project" menu item is really a "Save Project As ..." menu item. Its a bit annoying that it then loses the root folder option during the save.

    The project options are under Options - General Options - Project, rather than Project - Options. I realise the general options are used as a default for new projects (I think) and can see why they are there, but its just a bit counter-intuative if I want to change the options for this project only.

    If I choose Options - Highlighter - Multi on a PHP file it changes back to Options - Highlighter - PHP when I click Save.

    There is no where I can find to say I want Multi as my default highlighter mode.

    Neither of these things is a big issue - just an observation really.


  • Pierre Fauconnier

    0) Thanks for giving the "project" a chance. I don't know why this feature is not really used - maybe the name is frightening?

    1) You're right about "Save Project"
    1a) It's a "Save as..." and not a simple "Save", as expected.
    1b) The LocalPath value is lost when "Save as..." - Ho, ho, this one looks like a bug.
    I'm going to add a "Save as..." menu item, and to fix this bug.

    1c) From Options and Projects.
    - "General" is used to collect global parameters, regardless any project. "Options" defines the way I want Dev-PHP works.
    - "Projects" is intended to collect local parameters specific to a given project (external web site, FTP host, PHP engine, document root, default doc, etc.)
    - For historical reasons, the "General" settings and the "Projects" settings are displayed in the same form. I understand your

    just a bit counter-intuative if I want to change the options for this project only

    You're right, but it is a big change.

    2) About highlighters.

    There is no where I can find to say I want Multi as my default highlighter mode.

    There's a huge discussion about highlighters here
    There's also a documentation about highlighters here
    Maybe the captions on the "Options" form are not enough explanatory?
    Well, see "Options/General Options... / General / File extensions" and there, set "TSynWeb: HTML/XHTML (+CSS, +ES, +PHP)" in front of the file extension "php" (to select an highlighter there's a small arrow to the very right of the highlighter cell). I think the "php" extension must be set to "PHP (basic)" - but I can't figure out why, because the default value for extensions "php" and "htm" should be "TSynWeb: HTML/XHTML (+CSS, +ES, +PHP)".

    Thanks for your report.

  • Steve

    Steve - 2013-01-25


    Ahh - I see. The highlighter options in the documentation and mentioned above are different in my version ( Thus as work in progress I'll check it out in the next release.

    Plus the code folding isn't working, which from the above discussion seems to be handled by TSynweb. I must have an old version or something...


    Last edit: Steve 2013-01-25

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