
Compile DelphiCodeToDoc

  • Roland Bengtsson

    I download DelphiCodeToDoc but it fails on my project.
    I am not aloud to give out the source so I tried to download the source of DelphiCodeToDoc and point out the error myself. But I cannot compile it.

    I have downloaded JVCL and copied the needed files from it to another JVCL directory and point uses to that. (I do not want to install a lot of components in Delphi just for compiling)

    But the file JvAppStorage contains these uses:

    JvVCL5Utils, JvComponentBase, JvTypes, JvTranslateString;

    I cannot find those files anywhere. How can I get those?

    • TridenT

      TridenT - 2008-04-21


      1/ For your compilation issue, as mentionned in DelphiCodeToDoc.txt, you need :

      Library used in project
      *DelphiCodeToDoc need the stable release of JCL&JVCL to compile: Package JVCL333CompleteJCL1101-Build2725.
      It includes :
      -Jedi Code Library, Release 1.101
      -JEDI VCL v3.33 for D7->D2006
      -Download this really nice work here :

      You problme is that you had not installed JCL library.
      There is an installer for JCL and ANOTHER for JVCL.

      2/ If DelphiCodeToDoc fails, please send me your config file (µ;xml) AND the debug messages window. It will point your source file that failed.



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