
#16 [FEATURE REQUEST] Make dep4e resources available for command-line builds


It would be very helpful if one had access to the dep4e resources for building from the command line. As it is, a build such as running ant in the directory where build.xml is located yields an error message such as /mydir/build.xml:7: Cannot find /mydir/${net.sourceforge.dep4e.resources}/ant/docbook_5-0.xml imported from /mydir/build.xml.

Perhaps if the project structure would include - next to source and target another folder resources which included all the necessary files...? This could also be included in a second type of project, such as DocBook 5.0 Project (Advanced) or similar.

Other than that: A great tool!


  • Nils Cordes

    Nils Cordes - 2015-04-27

    This feature will become part of the next release.
    The development is finished but the documentation needs some improvements.

  • Nils Cordes

    Nils Cordes - 2015-04-27
    • status: open --> pending
  • Nils Cordes

    Nils Cordes - 2015-04-27
    • assigned_to: Nils Cordes
  • sdruskat

    sdruskat - 2015-04-27

    Great news! Can you make an approximate prediction when the new release will be available? Thanks!


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