
#13 A number of plugins fail to load


I'm trying to run decision deck on a 64bit system, but a number of plugins are missing.

According to the log file: it fails to install org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk (!MESSAGE Could not install bundle plugins/org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk_1.0.0.jar No Bundle-NativeCode match). I've added the log file in which is listed which plugins don't load and the error message. (When changing command-line argument -arch to x64, the same error occure).

additional information:
- Decision-deck 1.1.2
- Operating System: Windows 7 prof (x64) and Ubuntu 10.04
- jgraph library is added


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-07

    Same bug happens for Windows 7 prof (x86)

  • Olivier Cailloux

    I am afraid I can't easily reproduce the problem as I don't have a 64bits nor Windows7 install underhand, plus I am really busy these days and I won't be able to help much very soon.

    Indeed the software has not been tested on 64 bits platform, although it should work except for these typical glitches with C-code dependencies such as GLPK.

    Here is a possible hint about making the GLPK bundle work on a 64 bits platform, off the top of my head. If you open the org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk_1.0.0.jar file bundled with d2 (simply unzip it), you will see in the native folder that it requires a platform-dependent file to run (e.g. "glpk_jni.dll" for windows). Similarly, under linux, a file "" is required, which has been built for a linux32. It should probably be a different file under ubuntu64, the trick is to find which one.

    So, for windows as well as for Linux, I would suggest trying to find the adequate file and simply replace it in the compressed archive file (you can do so e.g. with ubuntu File Roller). Hopefully (although I can't guarantee anything) this will be enough to solve the problem.

    If you d/l GLPK for Windows (at\) you will observe two different folders, w32 and w64, witch contain different glpk_4_47.dll files. Maybe using the w64 dll file instead of the w32 file will do the trick.

    The fact that it also doesn't work on Windows7 x32 is more curious IMHO. I don't have experience with Windows 7, possibly it also requires a different dll? In which case the solution would be similar.

    Obviously you can also workaround the problem by removing from the plugins folder the plugins which require glpk as a dependency (see the log file).

    Please post your findings!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-10

    Thanks for your response. Unfortunately I just read it and not able to try it right now; will test it soon and let you know whether it solved my (the) problem!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-12

    Unfortunately it doesn't work. I added the glpk_4_47_java.dll and also changed the name so that it was similar to the previous jni, but both options don't work. It still gives the error:
    !MESSAGE Could not install bundle plugins/org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk_1.0.0.jar No Bundle-NativeCode match
    Maybe I should compile the jni by myself, but that didn't work out yet.

  • Olivier Cailloux

    You mant also try to recompile the software. There are instructions about how to do so on the companion web site (

    One possible explanation is that the platform is detected as 64bits, different than the 32 bits one, and thus the dll is not considered when the plugin is launched. I guess there must be some place where to say which folder is to be looked into according to the platform, but I don't remember right now how that worked.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-15

    Okay, thanks. Got it working now on linux for a 64bit system (ubuntu).

    I shall explain here what I did to get it working, then maybe you can change it for newer versions:

    Add '' (the required glpk java library for 64-bit systems, in Ubuntu it can be installed using 'apt-get install libglpk-java' and then copy it from /usr/lib64/jni') to 'org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk/native/linux' and add the following ',/native/linux/;osname=Linux;processor=amd64' to org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' after 'Bundle-NativeCode:'

    I shall try whether I can attach the changed file. I will try it soon on Win7 and let you know whether it works there too.

    • NCLee

      NCLee - 2014-12-04

      Hello, I wanted to ask if you ever had any luck getting the decision deck d2 software to work on windows 7 64 bit. I have been trying with no luck to follow your method, but for windows.

      I appreciate it.

  • Olivier Cailloux

    Thank you for your report!

    Did you manage to make it run on Win7?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-12-01


    I did try to get it working, but not hard enough I think. I didn't manage to get it working on Win7, so for myself I use it on Ubuntu now, but I'll promise I give it a second try soon.

  • Olivier Cailloux

    Thanks a lot for your reports so far anyway.

  • NCLee

    NCLee - 2014-12-04


    I am trying to get d2 to run on a system running windows 7 x64.

    The problem is that I can open d2 and enter my connection parameters, however when I open a new project and enter the user/pass (d2/d2) nothing happens.

    I have tried to follow the methodology which "Corne Plas" details above for a linux based
    64 bit system. I have substituted the variables "Corne Plas" used for those specific to my system namely, 'win7' for the operating system name, and 'x64' for the processor as well as the specific glpk files.

    I have not had any success. Below is the methodology(ies) I tried.

    1) Go to Surgeforce and download GLPK for windows
    (Windows binaries for the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK))

    2) Open the zipped folder

    3) Extract the file 'glpk_4_55.dll'

    4) Find and open the file 'org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk' in the plugins

    folder of decision deck where it has been extracted to.
    (can open with winrar or zip programs)

    --There should be two folders 
    1) Linux 2) win32

    5) Created the win64 folder and then open it.

    6) Paste the 'glpk_4_55.dll' folder into the open win64 folder

    [from step 5 above]

    7) Edit (extract and then paste again or edit within the unzipped file)
    the file 'org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'

    8) Added the line

    -Opened d2- Problem is the same. did not work.

    ---returned to step 4) above.

    4b) Find and open the file 'org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk' in the plugins

    folder of decision deck where it has been extracted to.
    (can open with winrar or zip programs)

    --There should be two folders 
    1) Linux 2) win32

    5b) open win32 folder [not creating new folder as in step 5) above.]

    6b) Paste the 'glpk_4_55.dll' folder into the open win32 folder

    [from step 5b above]

    7b) Added the line
    to the MANIFEST.MF file from step 7 above.

    -Opened d2- Problem is the same. did not work.

    ---returned to 7b above

    7c) changed the line
    to the MANIFEST.MF file from step 7 above.

    to be: 
        to the MANIFEST.MF file from step 7 above.

    -Opened d2- Problem is the same. did not work.
    ---returned to step 7c above

    changed the line
    to the MANIFEST.MF file from step 7c above.

    to be: 

    -Opened d2- Problem is the same. did not work.

    ---returned to step 3 above

    3e) Extract the file 'glpk_4_55_Java.dll'

    4e) Find and open the file 'org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk' in the plugins

    folder of decision deck where it has been extracted to.
    (can open with winrar or zip programs)

    --There should be two folders 
    1) Linux 2) win32

    5e) open win32 folder

    6e) Paste the 'glpk_4_55_Java.dll' folder into the open win32 folder

    [from step 5e above]

    7e) Edit (extract and then paste again or edit within the unzipped file)
    the file 'org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'

    8e) Added the line

    -Opened d2- Problem is the same. did not work.

    ---returned to 8e) above

    8f) changed the line
    to the MANIFEST.MF file from step 7c above.

    to be: 

    Still does not work.

    The log file still says that the error is

    !ENTRY org.eclipse.update.configurator 2014-12-04 10:35:39.624
    !MESSAGE Could not install bundle plugins/org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk_1.0.0.jar No Bundle-

    NativeCode match

    No matter what I have tried.

  • Olivier Cailloux

    Actually you might have a different (or supplementary) problem than just GLPK not loading. Even with GLPK and other plugins failing, the software should work normally, only ignoring plugins that it did not manage to load. You should be able to use e.g. the Rubis plugin. If you don’t even get there, your problem might be different.

    You might want to 1) drop your mysql database and create a different, empty one (change the name for sure); 2) dl a fresh copy of d2; to make sure you re-start from scratch. Perhaps also 3) remove the files corresponding to the failing plugins from the plugin folder: org.decisiondeck.lib.glpk_1.0.0.jar, org.decisiondeck.methods.grip_1.0.0.jar, org.decisiondeck.methods.iris_1.0.0.jar, org.decisiondeck.methods.utadisgms_1.0.0.jar, org.decisiondeck.methods.vip_1.0.0.jar.

    Now you should at least be able to start and use the software “normally”, though with reduced functionality. With the plug-ins removed from the plugins folder (step 3), you should not even have error messages logged.

    Of course, this is not helpful if you indeed want to use one of these failing plug-ins, which requires to solve the glpk-not-loading bug. I am afraid I don’t know how to solve it for Windows. Corne Plas has been able to start it under linux 64bits, you might want to try that.

  • NCLee

    NCLee - 2014-12-04

    Hi, thanks for getting back to me.

    I have followed the steps which you presented and I am still having the exact same problem.

    1) I dropped the database I was using and created a new one with a different name 2) I deleted the decision deck software and plugins 3) downloaded and installed the software again. 4) opened decision deck and pointed it to my new database.

    When I try to open a new project nothing happens.

    I did notice that even after deleting and re-installing decision deck, it had remembered all the connection parameters, e.i. server,port, username, password and database name I was using before I deleted it.

    Is it saving information somewhere else that I should delete to really start fresh again? Could this also be why nothing changes when I attempt to change the GLPK plugin?

    thank you again,

  • Olivier Cailloux

    The software stores the connection settings in the registry. As we do not provide an uninstaller, it stays there when you delete the software, which is not very clean but is not harmful (nothing stays in memory). All the rest is stored in the database, as far as I recall.

    Perhaps try with a different OS if you can. I don’t know what else to suggest, sorry. As already told the software is no more actively maintained. Please report here your other attempts, could be useful for other readers.

    Good luck.


    Last edit: Olivier Cailloux 2014-12-04
  • NCLee

    NCLee - 2014-12-04


    I added the line
    '/native/win32/glpk_4_55_java.dll;osname=Windows 7;osname=Windows7;osname=Win7;osname=Win 7;processor=amd64'to the file in the glpk plugin

    and I added the file glpk_4_55_java.dll to '/native/win32/'

    When I run decision deck there is no log file with errors.

    However I am still not able to use or see any plugins, it is just a blank screen after I select open new project. The same as before.

    I am not in a place where I can try any other OS such as linux. It is very unfortunate that no solution to this exists as the program is not in active development.


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