
2. Technical Review  Maximize  Restore

Technical Review Process

If the decision is to proceed, then a Technical Review of about two months will begin. A Web posting and an electronic mailing list will be created at the Secretariat for discussion; participation on this list will be open to all Member Organizations, without constraint. As issues are raised during the Technical Review, it is expected that participants will vote seriatim (formally or informally) on how to resolve the issues. The Architect should post responses to these issues. The Architect of the proposal will consider the votes on each issue and make an informed decision on whether to change the proposal accordingly. Meetings may be called, as deemed necessary by the participants or the Director.

At the end of the Technical Review period, each Representative will be asked to give the Director a "Yes", "No," or "Not-Yet" vote. A "No" vote, to discontinue the Review and reject the specification, must be accompanied with comments to explain the vote. A "Not-Yet" vote indicates that the specification either needs substantially more design work or that the complexity of the specification requires a longer Technical Review cycle. A "Not-Yet" vote also must be accompanied with comments to explain the vote. The Director will consider the votes and make an informed decision as to whether to proceed to the next stage of the process, or to extend the Technical Review, or to dismiss the specification without prejudice and ask the sponsor to resubmit after redesign, or to reject the specification. In order to proceed to Public Review, at least 50 percent of those voting must have voted "Yes." The Director must explain his or her decision in writing to the Expert Committee.

Please review the following documentation on the process and procedures invloved with submitting and tracking requests.

Showing 4 results of 4

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
4 Test Proposal None open 2004-10-24 2004-10-24  
3 Hierarchical Categories in 3.0 [SRG] Structural Reform Group open 2004-10-22 2004-10-22  
2 reinstating nested categories [SRG] Structural Reform Group open Wendy Thomas 2004-10-14 2014-08-18  
1 Supplementing the attribute “xml-lang” with “xml:lang” [SRG] Structural Reform Group open 2004-02-05 2004-09-29  
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