
DirectConnect's Big Brother / News: Recent posts

Code refactoring halfway done

Source code got cleaner and easier to understand. Refactoring still in progress, with only minor changes planned from now on.

As soon as it's done, new features will be added. A web based user/op interface is in the testing to make the hasle with MySQL worth it :).

Posted by [HUN]norba 2004-10-08

New version - Old problems :)

I've finally got the time to release the first of the 0.3xx branch. It's quite buggy on linux, works fine on Windows. Tested with Y-Hub and verliHub.

If you find the socket shutdown bug in the linux version (wich is actually only a recompile with Kylix 3) I would appreciate a notice. Thanks.

Posted by [HUN]norba 2004-08-26

First Release

I've finally made it. It's released, the first pubic dcbb. The code is quite crappy, most settings hardcoded. But it works, and it was more important for me, than the Looks :). Code clean-up follows.

Posted by [HUN]norba 2004-01-08