
#3 LockManager can lose lockinfo

Bjorn Tyla

- there is 1 lock for resource 'A' and

- acquiring thread gets lockinfo for resource 'A'
- enters the while / wait loop and blocks
- releasing thread gets lockinfo for resource 'A'
- decreases the count to 0, notifies blocking threads
and removes the lockinfo from the map
- acquirig thread wakes up (lockinfo.count == 0) and
increases the count.

the acquiring thread increased the count of a lockinfo
which is no longer registered in the map thus allowing for
another thread to acquire a (exclusive) lock.


  • Bjorn Tyla

    Bjorn Tyla - 2003-11-27

    Logged In: YES

    Problem can be avoided by using a 'pending lockers' count in
    the lockinfo which must be 0 to allow lockinfo removal.

  • Tom Bradford

    Tom Bradford - 2003-12-01
    • status: open --> open-later
  • Tom Bradford

    Tom Bradford - 2003-12-01

    Logged In: YES

    Have you tested this and been capable of reproducing it?
    The code is setup such that the the release method
    decrements the count and then calls info.notify(), which
    will trigger a waiting lock acquirer to obtain a mutex on
    the info object and bump up the count before returning to
    the release method which then checks to see if the count is
    0. The count will only be zero if there were no waiting
    threads on that info object.

  • Tom Bradford

    Tom Bradford - 2003-12-01
    • assigned_to: nobody --> bradford
    • milestone: 102632 --> minor
    • priority: 5 --> 2
  • Tom Bradford

    Tom Bradford - 2003-12-02
    • status: open-later --> open-rejected
  • Bjorn Tyla

    Bjorn Tyla - 2003-12-03

    Logged In: YES

    I stumbled on this bug by reviewing the code. The scenario I
    described is not entirely accurate. It is very hard to
    reproducable because it depends on a thread context switch
    at the right spot.

    If the context switch occurs when the release and acquire
    thread are both between the sync blocks ('this' and 'info'
    sync) and context switches from acquire to release thus the
    release reaches the info sync first then the lockinfo will be
    removed because it reaches zero before the acquirer can
    increase the count.

    BTW on multiprocessor machines a context switch is not even
    required for this bug.

    BTW is it allowed to acquire multiple exclusive locks on an id?
    better check the acquireExclusive while loop.

  • Tom Bradford

    Tom Bradford - 2003-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    You do realize that when you call this.notify() or
    info.notify() it synchronously gives up the mutex to another
    thread and waits for the scheduler to hand back the mutex...
    the two do not run in parallel. Additionally there is a
    second synchronized (this ) inside of the synchronized
    (info) block that is used to delete the info block from the

    And yes, acquireExclusive will loop and block until it can
    acquire a full share of locks... It's even quite possible
    that other threads can sneak in and grab a read in the mean
    time, and it's even possible that two threads can deadlock
    fighting for an exclusive lock on a single resource.

    There's a reason why LockManager is only used in FSFiler and
    not in the native implementation, partly because it's very
    old (a vestige from dbXML 1.0), partly because I was never
    satisfied with it, and partly because I don't know of anyone
    who even uses FSFiler.

    I may modify the release version of FSFiler just to do
    synchronized blocks on the files themselves and not support
    multiple readers, especially since the server will cache,
    which should minimize the need for a multi-reader locking

  • Bjorn Tyla

    Bjorn Tyla - 2003-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    Hi bradford,

    I didn't realize that this is a deprecated class and is to be
    used under controlled circumstances.

    But I do believe that you are mistaken in how the the wait -
    notify mechanism works.

    <Java Language Specification 2 edition, chapter 17.14>
    The notify method should be called for an object only when
    the current thread has already locked the object's lock. If the
    wait set for the object is not empty, then some arbitrarily
    chosen thread is removed from the wait set and re-enabled
    for thread scheduling. (Of course, that thread will not be able
    to proceed until the current thread relinquishes the object's

    as for exclusive locking try this:

    public class LockManagerTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    LockManager lockMan = new LockManager(100);

    the program finishes but I would expect it to block on the
    second call.

  • Tom Bradford

    Tom Bradford - 2003-12-04
    • status: open-rejected --> closed-rejected
  • Tom Bradford

    Tom Bradford - 2003-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    Ok... I've trimmed down that class and I have also
    officially deprecated it. The trimmed down version uses
    straight up exclusive boolean locks and will not go into a
    wait state of the thread requesting the lock is the same
    thread that currently has the lock. Either way, it's a
    class that will probably go away unless FSFiler starts being

  • Tom Bradford

    Tom Bradford - 2003-12-04
    • status: closed-rejected --> closed-wont-fix

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