
dbUnit / News: Recent posts

dbUnit 2.8.0 Released

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Add support for YAML dataset format Issue: 244. Thanks to bjornbeskow.

Please refer to the changes report for details:

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2024-06-02

dbunit-maven-plugin 1.2.0 Released

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Create composite dataset from multiple source files. Issue: 5. Thanks to bjornbeskow.

o Update dbUnit version to 2.7.3. Thanks to jeffjensen.

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2022-02-13

dbUnit 2.7.3 Released

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Enable composing an Operation dataset from multiple source files. Issue: 5. Thanks to bjornbeskow.
o Add 'actual is null' and 'actual is not null' ValueComparers Issue: 250. Thanks to jeffjensen.

Fixed Bugs:
o Nullable UUID column in PostgreSQL caused NPE Issue: 439. Thanks to xobotun.
o Timestamp conversion for instants during daylight saving time is off Issue: 438. Thanks to jammule.
o Unwrap PGConnection instead of casting to it Issue: 436. Thanks to sfranson. ... read more

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2022-02-13

dbUnit 2.7.1 Released

Changes in this version include:

Fixed Bugs:
o DefaultPrepAndExpectedTestCase must use DatabaseConfig.FEATURE_CASE_SENSITIVE_TABLE_NAMES Issue: 440.

o Update Apache POI to version 4.1.0 Issue: 231. Thanks to felixknecht.
o Eliminate the Maven's relativePath warning Issue: 235. Thanks to viczi.
o UniqueIdentifierType: change caught exception for Java 12's changed UUID validation Issue: 236. Thanks to viczi.
o Use optional in poi-ooxml and postgresql Maven dependencies Issue: 237. Thanks to viczi.
o Use optional in junit and hamcrest Maven dependencies Issue: 238. Thanks to viczi.
o Remove commons-io dependency Issue: 239. Thanks to viczi.
o Remove commons-collections dependency Issue: 240. Thanks to viczi.

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2021-07-22

dbUnit 2.7.0 Released (on Feb 23, 2020)

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Add new syntax to set relative date, time and timstamp in dataset Issue: 224. Thanks to kforkiss.
o Setup public CI Issue: 227.
o Add IsActualContainingExpectedStringValueComparer comparing if actual contains expected Issue: 229.
o Add support for MSSQL's datetimeoffset data type Issue: 228. Thanks to rcd.
o DefaultPrepAndExpectedTestCase.runTest(): catch
Throwable instead of Exception Issue: 243.
o Update Oracle Dependency to ojdbc8 from Maven Central Issue: 246.... read more

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2021-07-22

dbunit-2.6.0 released

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o DefaultPrepAndExpectedTestCase, VerifyTableDefinition: support ValueComparer. Issue: 208.
o ValueComparer: DbUnitAssert: add assert method that strategizes the compare algorithm on a per column basis. Issue: 208.
o Add Dockerfiles for running ITs: MySQL, Oracle 11, Postgres and SQL Server Issue: 220.
o Change build to use Java 8 compiler and target 1.8: update compileSource to 1.8. Issue: 219.
o DatabaseEnvironment loads See "Integration Tests" page for docs. Issue: 215. Thanks to deragon.
o Convert devguide.xml to devguide.apt. Issue: 214. Thanks to deragon.
o Add PostgreSQL OID data type. Issue: 179. Thanks to mfrechePgest. ... read more

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2018-10-14

dbunit-2.5.4 released

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Blobs are now easier to define in flat XML dataset and CSV files using [text <encoding>]</encoding>, [base64] and [file] cues. See Data Types doc page. Issue: 196. Thanks to Hans Deragon.

Fixed Bugs:
o Cannot insert null values via jTDS (regression from 374). Issue: 400. Thanks to sidikcz.
o Streamed export does not work when it launched from Ant. Issue: 397. Thanks to zdenek-z.
o MSSQL IdentityInsertOperation.execute erroneously always commits. Issue: 309. Thanks to bjornbeskow. ... read more

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2017-08-20

dbunit-2.5.3 released

dbUnit is a JUnit extension (also usable from Ant and Maven) targeted for database-driven projects that, among other things, puts your database into a known state between test runs. This is an excellent way to avoid the myriad of problems that can occur when one test case corrupts the database and causes subsequent tests to fail or exacerbate the damage.

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Allow 'false' -> 0 and 'true' -> 1 for numeric fields. Issue: 313. Thanks to weifengli. ... read more

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2016-08-21 Labels: release

dbunit-2.5.0 released

The dbUnit team is pleased to announce the dbunit-2.5.0 release!

dbUnit is a JUnit extension (also usable from Ant and Maven) targeted for database-driven projects that, among other things, puts your database into a known state between test runs. This is an excellent way to avoid the myriad of problems that can occur when one test case corrupts the database and causes subsequent tests to fail or exacerbate the damage.... read more

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2014-04-24 Labels: release

2.5.0-SNAPSHOT deployed to OSSRH

Please try it and report any issues to the bug tracker. I plan to release it in a small number of days.

See the list of changes in two places:
1. Summarized in the changes.xml file:
2. I added release version fields to the SF trackers and populated for 2.5.0.

For those not familiar with the OSSRH, this is the repo URL:

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2014-04-20 Labels: snapshot

Git, not SVN

dbUnit now uses Git for source control instead of SVN.

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2013-12-29

DbUnit Framework 2.4.9 (stable) is out!

The DbUnit Framework team is pleased to announce the dbunit-2.4.9 release!

Have fun!
-DbUnit team

Posted by Jeff Jensen 2012-10-17

DbUnit Framework 2.4.8 (stable) is out!

The DbUnit Framework team is pleased to announce the dbunit-2.4.8 release!

For a manual installation, you can download the dbunit-2.4.8 here:

Have fun!
-DbUnit team

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2010-09-01

DbUnit team welcomes Jeff Jensen

A new member has joined the DbUnit team: welcome Jeff Jensen!

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-10-17

DbUnit Framework 2.4.5 (stable) is out!

The DbUnit Framework team is pleased to announce the dbunit-2.4.5 release!

For a manual installation, you can download the dbunit-2.4.5 here:

Have fun!
-DbUnit Framework team

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-05-23

DbUnit new release 2.2.3 (stable) is out!

DbUnit is a JUnit extension targeted for database-driven projects that, among other things, puts your database into a known state between test runs.

The DbUnit Framework team is pleased to announce the dbunit-2.2.3 release!

If you are reading this, the maintainer forgot to describe what's the purpose of this release!!!

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o A warning message is now displayed when rows contain more columns than the first row. ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-05-23

DbUnit: 2.2.1 (stable) finally released!

DbUnit is a JUnit extension targeted for database-driven projects that, among other things, puts your database into a known state between test runs.

The DbUnit Framework team is pleased to announce the dbunit-2.2.1 release!

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Created H2 data factory Issue: 1897612.
o New point Datatype on MySqlDataTypeFactory Issue: 1798605. Thanks to Vera Wahler.

Fixed Bugs:
o Removed JUnit dependency on IDatabaseTester implementations Issue: 1897627.
o Improvements on M2 build - Additional files Issue: 1735506. Thanks to Greg Morgan.
o NPE in at line 224 Issue: 1849219. Thanks to JensFransson.
o Bug in XmlWriter / escapeXml Issue: 1849165. Thanks to Markus Thielen.
o Database schema with escape pattern doesn't work Issue: 1786425.
o Misleading error reported by RowOutOfBoundsException Issue: 1712122. Thanks to Chris R. Salch.
o NPE In InsertIdentityOperation Issue: 1328956. Thanks to Reuben Firmin.
o DataSourceDatabaseTest does not use setSchema() Issue: 1710743. Thanks to Will Sargent.
o Columns in ORDER BY Not Quoted Issue: 1637089. Thanks to Chuck Hill.
o ReplacementTable broken for multiple replacements Issue: 1214536. Thanks to Sebastien Le Callonec.
o Null pointer exception in FlatXMLDataSet.write(compositeDS) Issue: 1721870. Thanks to Sebastien Le Callonec.
o Null pointer exception in FlatXMLDataSet.write(compositeDS) Issue: 1721870. Thanks to Sebastien Le Callonec.
o Problem with Oracle 10g Recyclebin Issue: 1459205. Thanks to Sebastien Le Callonec. ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-03-18

DbUnit 2.0 released!

The long awaited DbUnit 2.0 is finally out!

DbUnit is a JUnit extension (also usable with Ant) targeted for database-driven projects that, among other things, puts your database into a known state between test runs.

Changes history summary:

* Refreshed documentation.
* Now use SAX2 instead of Electric XML DOM parser. Streaming mode allows importing and exporting very large XML dataset. This is still recommend to use small set of data for unit testing. ;-)
* New configurable data type factory that enable support for more database vendors types.
* Database views support.
* New MS Excel dataset.
* Much more! See complete changes history at

Posted by Manuel Laflamme 2004-01-23

Dbunit framework version 1.3 released!

What is dbunit?
The dbunit database testing framework is a JUnit extension which sets up your database in a known state before executing your tests. This framework uses xml datasets (collection of data tables) and performs database operations before and after each test.

* Added support for binary data types: BINARY, VARBINARY and LONGVARBINARY. Binary data is persisted in xml datasets using the base64 encoding scheme.
* Multiple bugfixes.... read more

Posted by Manuel Laflamme 2002-04-04

Dbunit framework version 1.2 released!

What is dbunit?
The dbunit database testing framework is a JUnit extension which sets up your database in a known state before executing your tests. This framework uses xml datasets (collection of data tables) and performs database operations before and after each test.

* New xml dataset format. Dbunit can even generate a custom DTD for your database.
* Added support for verifying whether two tables or datasets contain identical data. Therefore, you can put your expected table data into an xml dataset and query the database during your test to verify its contents against expected data.... read more

Posted by Manuel Laflamme 2002-03-15

New release of the dbunit database testing framework

Version 1.1 just been released. This version includes better connection management and improved performance.

Feedbacks are welcome and much appreciated.

Posted by Manuel Laflamme 2002-03-11