
DbUnit: 2.2.1 (stable) finally released!

DbUnit is a JUnit extension targeted for database-driven projects that, among other things, puts your database into a known state between test runs.

The DbUnit Framework team is pleased to announce the dbunit-2.2.1 release!

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Created H2 data factory Issue: 1897612.
o New point Datatype on MySqlDataTypeFactory Issue: 1798605. Thanks to Vera Wahler.

Fixed Bugs:
o Removed JUnit dependency on IDatabaseTester implementations Issue: 1897627.
o Improvements on M2 build - Additional files Issue: 1735506. Thanks to Greg Morgan.
o NPE in at line 224 Issue: 1849219. Thanks to JensFransson.
o Bug in XmlWriter / escapeXml Issue: 1849165. Thanks to Markus Thielen.
o Database schema with escape pattern doesn't work Issue: 1786425.
o Misleading error reported by RowOutOfBoundsException Issue: 1712122. Thanks to Chris R. Salch.
o NPE In InsertIdentityOperation Issue: 1328956. Thanks to Reuben Firmin.
o DataSourceDatabaseTest does not use setSchema() Issue: 1710743. Thanks to Will Sargent.
o Columns in ORDER BY Not Quoted Issue: 1637089. Thanks to Chuck Hill.
o ReplacementTable broken for multiple replacements Issue: 1214536. Thanks to Sebastien Le Callonec.
o Null pointer exception in FlatXMLDataSet.write(compositeDS) Issue: 1721870. Thanks to Sebastien Le Callonec.
o Null pointer exception in FlatXMLDataSet.write(compositeDS) Issue: 1721870. Thanks to Sebastien Le Callonec.
o Problem with Oracle 10g Recyclebin Issue: 1459205. Thanks to Sebastien Le Callonec.

For a manual installation, you can download the dbunit-2.2.1 here:

Have fun!
-DbUnit Framework team

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-03-18

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