
dbunit Merge Request #27: - Permission changed from 100755 to 100644 (removed execution bit). (merged)



Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

Checking if merge is possible...

Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

Hans Deragon wants to merge 1 commit from /u/deragon/dbunit/ to master, 2017-07-08

Commit Date  
[3ca98b] by - Permission changed from 100755 to 100644 (removed execution bit).

2017-06-23 02:39:03 Tree


  • Hans Deragon

    Hans Deragon - 2017-06-23

    Got it now. This is going to be an easy merge to master.

  • Jeff Jensen

    Jeff Jensen - 2017-07-08

    "Something went wrong. Please, merge manually
    Hans Deragon wants to merge 1 commit from /u/deragon/dbunit/ to master, 2017-06-23
    Merge request has conflicts. Follow manual instructions below to merge."

    The one file in this MR,, has no content changes. I don't think this is a valid MR. Please let me know what you are intending.

  • Hans Deragon

    Hans Deragon - 2017-07-08

    This file has no content change. It is the permissions that have changed. It was set to executable. I removed it.

    Why is it complaining about a conflict if the content has not changes? Argh.... git.... Please check the permission on the file and merge manually. Or... remove the executable bit yourself and commit; it might be easier. I wanted to make this easy for you, but alas, git does not seam to cooperate.

  • Jeff Jensen

    Jeff Jensen - 2017-07-08

    I skipped the MR and just made the change. Thanks for fixing.

  • Jeff Jensen

    Jeff Jensen - 2017-07-08
    • Status: open --> merged
  • Hans Deragon

    Hans Deragon - 2017-07-08

    Thanks for your cooperation, Jeff.


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