
Important: corrupted uploaded files dpls.war and dpls.ear

Hi all:
Prior to February 17 files dpls.ear and dpls.war where corrupted due to missing files into prism-2.0.0-production.
That is, a CVS command to purge empty directories delete important directories to build dpls.war and dpls.ear.
Users who download prism-2.0.0-production and want to build dpls.{ear|war} files using PRISM_HOME/applications/build-dpls.{sh|bat} first make these steps:
- create a directory named PRISM_HOME/applications/dpls/dpls/WEB-INF/lib
- create a directory named PRISM_HOME/stage
- Finally, run build-dpls.{sh|bat} to built dpls.ear
Best regards, Marcelo.

Posted by Marcelo F. Ochoa 2003-02-17

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