
DBLGen / News: Recent posts

DBLGen released!

After exactly 6 months, the new version finally comes out with lots of improvements:

* Major UI redesign, now using icons (thanks to Mark James -
* Allows to create and delete tables/columns from the UI using the context menu
* Errors from StringTemplate are now listed if you have an error in your template
* Import plugins now use a custom interface instead of the old property grid
* Fixed most of the problems when importing data from SQL Server
* Easier to map database types to .NET types using the Type Mapper and XML files... read more

Posted by Natan Vivo 2008-06-25

DBLGen website is online!

The DBLGen website is now online! There is now screenshots and basic info on how to create templates. Check it out!

Posted by Natan Vivo 2007-12-27

DBGen released

The first version of DBLGen was released. Please test it!

Download it here:

Posted by Natan Vivo 2007-12-24