
Connection Error

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi, trying to establish a new connection to a remote data-base I get the following error Message.
    An error has occurred:  SQL10007N Message "0" could not be retrieved.  Reason code: "3". SQLCODE=-1366. Are there anywhere else connection parameters to adjust? Thanks in advance.

  • Peter Prib

    Peter Prib - 2009-09-24

    error SQL1336N with reason code 3 is "Unable to load the client security plug-in."  which seems a bit strange.  The manual suggest "Check the administration notification log file for the cause of the failure. Fix the problem identified by the error message text in the administration notification log." which I assume you have done.  Can one assume you have managed to get other connections working or is it the first attempt at connecting to a database.

  • Matthew Vandenbussche

    I commonly see this error when one of the follow has occurred:

    1. The IBM_DB2 PHP driver is not installed properly
    2. DB2 has been uninstalled from the system
    3. The web server has not been restarted after a database or driver update
    4. The DB2 client libraries have not been installed on the system. Ether because there are no DB2 components installed on the system or DB2 has moved the need libraries or shared then needed libraries globally.

    First thing to do is restart your web server to see if that fixed the problem. Next if you do not have db2 installed on your system is to go and download the CLI driver pack from IBM


    The  is a little bigger but also contains an older working php driver. If you already have a the driver then all you need is the .


    Let me know if the helps or is along the right path for you.

    Good Luck!<br/>
    Matthew Vandenbussche

  • Peter Prib

    Peter Prib - 2009-09-24

    Matthew comment reminded me that I think I had this problem myself when I installed on linux as I had the apache engine under its own id so it was not running db2profile which sets up the libraries.  Fixed this issue by adding

    . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile


    <install directory>/apache2/bin/envvars

    Obviously need to change /home/db2inst1 to the correct location.

  • Pierce Wetter

    Pierce Wetter - 2009-10-05

    I'm having problems adding my first connection as well. I always get:

    An invalid JavaScript object as returned, can not complete action sequence.

    Which after digging in a bit, means that the JSON result for something didn't parse.

    This is on MacOSX, but a bunch of other stuff works (RSS reader, etc.), and I can see the ibm_db2 driver in phpinfo.


  • Pierce Wetter

    Pierce Wetter - 2009-10-05

    I figured out that something is segfaulting when trying to connect:

      child pid 11282 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

    But as I'm not a PHP developer, I'm not sure how to track it down from here.

  • Matthew Vandenbussche

    Firebug with Firefox is an excellent tool for debugging JavaScript. 

    I have come across instances where the ibm_db2 driver appears to be working but ether return a SQL return code of 0 or segfaults causing an invalid JSON object error. Often this is caused by the driver not being able to find the required DB2 libraries. On UNIX systems the file is and creating a reference to it in the shared library folder of the OS '/usr/lib' for most UNIX system and then restarting the web server usual fixes the problem.

    Let me know if this help
    Matthew Vandenbussche

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sounds like db2 Php driver.  Also what browser are you using?  I have had errors using IE.  Try firefox


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