
Call to undefined function xml_parser_create_ns()

  • Dieter Steinwedel

    I have installed davical on Ubuntu 16.04. I can connect with a client to the server, but the http-requests fails. I have started a request from cli and got following response:

    curl --request PROPFIND --user ds:xxx --header "Content-Type: text/xml" --header "Brief:t" --data "<D:propfind xmlns:D="DAV:"><D:prop><D:displayname/></D:prop></D:propfind>" http://localhost/davical/caldav.php/ds/addresses/
    Exception [0] Call to undefined function xml_parser_create_ns()
    At line 562 of /usr/share/davical/inc/CalDAVRequest.php
    ================= Stack Trace ===================
    /usr/share/davical/htdocs/caldav.php[76] CalDAVRequest->__construct()

    I think, the problem is "Call to undefined function xml_parser_create_ns()". How can I fix it.

    Php version is 7 and davical 1.1.4.

  • Jim Fenton

    Jim Fenton - 2016-05-14


    Most of DAViCal support is on GitLab rather than on SourceForge, so I'm
    not sure how many people are on these forums. The main support
    discussion list (which is still on SourceForge) is; you might want to subscribe and
    re-ask the question there.



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