
Error Message: ODBC Driver Manager Invalid Cursor State

  • Dan Baldewicz

    Dan Baldewicz - 2014-09-16

    Hello Arrah,

    I am using JDBC:ODBC to connect to a database in MS access. For the first load, I was able to view all the tables without issues, but on subsequent loads, clicking on the table folder for most tables causes the following error message: "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid Cursor State" and occasionally, "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]Invalid String or Buffer Length".

    Is this something that I misconfigured? I am able to view the tables when I choose a particular table:column and go to the Analysis tab, and choose Show Record.

    By the way, exceptional program, thanks much for making it Open Source.


  • arrah

    arrah - 2014-09-17

    Thanks for using osDQ.

    Which jre/java version you are using ? If it is more than 1.7.7.x then "[Microsoft[ODBC Driver Manager]Invalid String or Buffer Length" error should not come.

    Can you please share screen shot and error messages on console and command line for "Invalid Cursor State" ? I am look into it.

    vivek36 [ at ] gmail dot com


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