
Datagenerator / News: Recent posts

Open Datagenerator is still under development

Open Datagenerator is on a break more than 1 year. This does not mean the project is dead. We have plans for reimplementing ODG using .Net platform. But this migration phase will take some time.

Any help is appreciated. However, any takeover request will be rejected.

Posted by ibrahim dursun 2007-12-09

Datagenerator 0.35

0.35 is packaged with:
*Immediate fixes of annoying bugs.
*Tree layout has been changed into a more explanatory one.
*Script Editor has been improved in code completion.
*An example config file and database script

Probably this is the last release before a big change occurs in features, GUI and XML engine.

Stay tuned!

Posted by ibrahim dursun 2006-11-11

Datagenerator 0.3 is available for download

The 0.3 version is available for download. There is only the setup file present for now. The source package will be added soon.

We have mainly focused on the library again but also some changes are made on the User Interface. UI will be better in the upcoming releases. This 0.x versions are for testing purposes for now. Enjoy it, and report any bugs.

Posted by ibrahim dursun 2006-10-27

Datagenerator 0.2 is out!

Well, almost after 6 weeks, we have made another release. 0.2 release mainly contains the work of User Interface and bugfixes. A few improvements in the dglib has been made.

It's still version 0.2, probably there are lots of bugs. Any bug report will be appreciated.

This release has been tested with PostgreSQL, Firebird and MySQL. But it should work fine with other databases (except ado connections)

Posted by ibrahim dursun 2006-07-18

Datagenerator 0.1 is out!

0.1 is a pre-alpha release just to show the work.

Posted by ibrahim dursun 2006-06-12