
DataDesigner / News: Recent posts


DataDesigner files are now available. It doesn't work exactly right yet, but this just shows what it can do. This release file includes build scripts, sharpdevelop project files, and all sources need to build DataDesigner. Enjoy!

Posted by Nick Daniels 2002-06-17

Working on it...

Well I am commenting the hell out of the code in preparation for a release. This release will include the NT Service, WebService, and one feature complete DocStore. I think getting a release out there will help show off exactly what I'm trying to do.

Posted by Nick Daniels 2002-05-05

What Happened?

Well the source broke not long after my last post. And after spending a great deal of time fixing it, I installed the .Net Framework 1.0 and it broke again. So I intend on posting the latest working version of DataDesigner, as soon as one exists. There will be 2 versions of the software, one that uses a webservice to retrieve its data and one the access the docstore locally.

Posted by Nick Daniels 2002-02-17

DataDesigner: V0.6.6.1

I will soon be releasing the code for DataDesigner V0.6.6.1, this version implements DocStore Loading, Rendering via external controls, WebControls for ASP.Net for linking to documents and rendering documents in pages. Currently I only have renderers for passing straight HTML/XML (Markup) and a NewsPage format I created for my website. This is the first version to be released.

Posted by Nick Daniels 2001-09-01

What DataDesigner is shapeing up to be.

DataDesigners sole goal in life is provide a generic web service that can suit the needs of most content providers of anyone needing to make their data / content readily accessable to multiple applications / websites within an organization or to outside applications / websites. To do this the server will expose a method for retrieving documents, this takes care of actually accessing the data. Oooh it can send me an XML Document, wow I could just access this data from it location on a web server. :) Well what if you don't have any data that needs custom processing for each application. What if all you serve up is data that is manipulated to HTML? So we provide a template system for rendering data not only into HTML but other XML documents types, etc. Ok more bases covered, but what if I wanted to search the docstore for certain types of documents or documents containing certain text. Now this would be an extremely effective way to store, serve and present data. Add an ASP.Net app for administrating the docstore and adding data and we have ourselves a

Posted by Nick Daniels 2001-07-09