
How do I create a group in Movies?

Calvin Cho
  • Calvin Cho

    Calvin Cho - 2015-05-10

    Hi! Just stumbled onto this nice piece of software and it seems to be able to do what I need! Except for one simple thing. How do I create a group within Movies? For example I would like to have a group called Action. However when I import a movie folder, they get added to "empty" automatically. I'm also unable to change the name of this "empty" group. I would appreciate if you could advise me on how to do this. Been poking around for about an hour but I'm unable to figure out how to do this :(

  • Robert Jan van der Waals

    Simply navigate to the Group By menu in the Tree Panel and select the fields on which you would like to group.

  • Robert Jan van der Waals

    Note that the group names are based on the information entered in the items. If you want to group by genre, you do need to have movies which genres assigned as otherwise they will be shown in the Empty group.


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