
Problem woth Amazon search (ASIN)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-03-15


    I have some problems to find a CD at Amazon Germany using the Online Search.
    Just one example - but this happens rather often.

    CD I'm searching for:

    Title: Die Sturmkönige - Dschinnland
    Author: Kai Meyer
    ASIN: 3785737513

    1. Search using "Keyword".
    I tried "Sturmkönige", "Sturmkoenige", "Dschinnland" and several other Keywords.
    The search didn't return a result at all.

    2. ASIN
    I searched for "3785737513".
    The protocol tells me the following (I translate the German protocol):

    Start analysis of 1 results
    Received 1 results
    Connecting to server :

    Unfortunately nothing else happens. That means in the listbox above there appears no entry !!!

    Could you please help me with that?

    Thanks in advance.


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-03-15


      I found out that I have to use the search for Books instead of the one for Audio CDs when I'm searching for Audio books.

      The problem is that it is not possible to create one single entry in the books module.
      Even if I try to create an entry manually nothing happens.
      The dialog box for entering the information doesn't even appear.

      By the way: I use the latest version 3.4.8 for Windows.

      Can you help me?

      Thank you.


      • Robert Jan van der Waals

        Hi Laude,

        Could you check the data_crow.log file for errors? It's located in the data folder. It would probably be better to log this as a bug.

        Kind regards,
        Robert Jan

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-03-16

      Hi Robert,

      thank you for your reply!

      I've just reinstalled Data Crow and now everything works fine.

      Maybe the search for the CD using the Audio CD search in combination with an Audio Book ASIN caused Data Crow to create an "invisible" entry in the Books module which blocked the whole module - meaning the creation of new entry.

      Unfortunaltely I uninstalled Data Crow before reinstalling it - so the log file can't help to find out what happend.

      Kind regards,



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