
Updating PDF Image

  • Richard Trumbore

    When I encounter one or more books without a "picture Front" image.   How do I command DC to imediately fetch the image from the book (pdf, doc, etc)?

    Previously, you told me you would add an additional option to the "Picture Front" tab.  I have not seen the change.

    For example the "Picture Front" tab's FILE menu options are "Open from file",  "Open from URL",  and  "Add From Memory".    Please add an option to  "ADD FROM BOOK"


  • Robert Jan van der Waals

    Never told you I was going to add a specific option. The issue was that the "Attach File Information" option was not working. That should have been fixed one or two versions ago; use "ATTACH FILE INFO" to add the image from the book..

  • Robert Jan van der Waals

    Ah, I renamed that option to "Read File Information". :)

  • Richard Trumbore

    Thank you very much.

  • Richard Trumbore

    I guess I didn’t understand.

    Let's say, DataCrow already contains an entry for the book "c:\help-me.pdf", but there the image is missing.  I want DataCrow to parse "c:\help-me.pdf" and retrieve an image.

    Based on my understanding of your previous post I took the following steps:

    I right-clicked the record for the book "help-me.pdf" and selected “Attach File Info”

    I select the book “c:\help-me.pdf” from the file system and click the Open button.

    DataCrow returns this message:  Item “Help-Me” is not unique, it already exists in the database.  Change on of the required fields.

    Please explain how I get the image loaded.  Also, what processing does “Attach File Info” actually perform?

    Thanks for helping.


  • Robert Jan van der Waals

    I'll have to check this. Next version will have this fixed completely. I guess the check to see whether the file is already attached to an item is a bit too strict.

    Robert Jan

  • Robert Jan van der Waals

    Works fine on my system. You cannot however add a file to an item that is already attached to another item.


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