Joop - 2015-12-27

I use DC 4.0.1., I can't use versions with higher version numbers because we don't have a Java 7 or higher.
I managed to set up a database with many fields with dropdown lists. All dropdown lists are filled with values going from 3 fields up to a dozen or so. First I thought the problem was only with the last field with a dropdown list in the database, but soon I also had it randomly with other fields.
When I make a new entry, I fill in the fields with keyboard, sometimes copy and past and sometimes from a choice in a dropdown list.
Normally you can open the list and go with the mouse to the correct value and enter. But occasionally this is refused. The database returns instant to an icon, not closed. So I go back to the icon, make it screenwide for a new try. But response the same. Then I open the list with the button, but I close it direct without adding something. Now I can enter the list, make my choice and give an enter for confirmation.

Is this some unnoticed bug or do I do something wrong?


Last edit: Joop 2015-12-27