Lenore Horner - 2011-02-19

I too had to delete and re-add the WiiRemote.framework but I now can get DarwiinRemote to compile (with 44 warnings).  However, it will not run.  I get
Cannot access memory at address 0x0

I compiled from trunk for both the framework and the app.  Something fishy must be going on because the downloaded app runs.

(I've gotten into this because I really need the write-data-to-file feature to work correctly.  I couldn't understand why I was getting such gibberish until I saw the two-year-old bug report.  Now I'm trying to get back into working on this so I can fix that and use the software.)

Please tell me what else I need to report to help track down the memory error.  I really don't know Xcode at all.
