
Darkbot / Darkbot Project News: Recent posts

Darkbot License Notice

May 1st, 2014
This notice is being sent and published as "Darkbot License Notice" and Darkbot-License-Notice.txt in Source Forge DarkbotProjectNews section, root tree of Source Forge Darkbot Project "Files" section, Darkbot Site at Source Forge and a link to the stated locations to known E-Mail addresses of contributors mentioned in Darkbot source files.


In March 2014 it was called to my attention by who I asked and nominated as the Lead Developer, David Seikel, that the license was ambiguous and not complying with some conditions which we need it to properly run the project.... read more

Posted by Luiz Castelo-Branco 2014-05-01 Labels: license

IRC presence - Official channels are @

As of February 6th, 2014, is the Official IRC Network for Darkbot Project.

#darkbot - All purpose Darkbot Support channel. (*1)
##darkbot - User interaction with live bots. (*2)
##darkbot-unregistered - Dead End moderated channel where unregistered users/bots will end out after automatically being redirected/forwarded from #darkbot or ##darkbot. (*3)... read more

Posted by Luiz Castelo-Branco 2014-02-07 Labels: IRC Channel

Darkbot's revitalization

As of now, today, The Darkbot project is going to start a major redevelopment, with careful changes and modifications being made in order to improve the underlying code and logic, with the general idea of revitalizing the project to fit better with the current needs and interests of IRC bot users, and of making Darkbot an even more enjoyable and useful IRC bot.

There have been complaints and misrepresentations in the so-called "official" support IRC channels for Darkbot and “official” sites for Darkbot.
To be explicitly clear, Darkbot@SourceForge is, and continues to be, the only official source for all matters regarding Darkbot development, including file storage, support, and user inquiries as well as issues.
- is the home page and the only official home page for the project;
- is the development page and the only development local for the project;
- There is no current "official" IRC support channel, but we are in the process of setting one up, and will announce its location/address here as soon as it's ready to go.... read more

Posted by Luiz Castelo-Branco 2014-01-31 Labels: revival

Darkbot 8 RC

Darkbot 8 will be what will become the next stable darkbot it uses autoconf and automake to help cut down on some of the user configuration done in defines.h previously. Hopefully new features will be added and some more bug fixes to the old code fixed and old code improved.


Posted by Jared Smith 2005-03-15

Metar,taf, and google functions

These are functions that allow you to search for weather via a 4 digit code like kmci or whatever your airport is named. You can find out more from google the word metar or taf. The google function allows you to search google from the irc room. The format for these commands are darkbot google keyword, darkbot metar xxxx(4 digit code), or darkbot taf xxxx(4 digit code).

Posted by Jared Smith 2003-05-22

FreeBSD Port added

Finally after sometime darkbot has been added to ports check it out at


Posted by Jared Smith 2003-04-02


Darkbot compiles for OSX with 2 errors that don't seem to cause any problems. So enjoy!

Posted by Jared Smith 2003-02-25

FreeBSD ports

We now have a package availible for ports to be used on freebsd and it was submitted today so hopefully it will be added soon.

Posted by Jared Smith 2003-02-25

Get darkbot with CVS!

We have CVS now, woohoo

Posted by Ron Robbins Jr. 2003-02-21

Looking for a Mac developer !!!

If anyone is interested in porting darkbot to mac os9 or osx please let me know at

Posted by Jared Smith 2003-02-18