Activity for Dakota VOEvent Tools

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r56]

    Change XML Signatures to remove insignificant whitespace including platform dependent newlines from signed material. Now XMLSignatures 5.1. Breaking change!!

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r55]

    Oops forgot to read in the new LogMessages option in the broker command line processing.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r54]


  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r53]

    damn it

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r52]

    Bleeping stray file

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r51]

    Updating VOEvent Digital Signature support to GPG 2.3 and .NET 5, both Windows and Linux.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r50]

    I think I have finally identified the cause of the .NET 5 broker on Linux stopping recipt from remote brokers. No timeout on the receive. Added this for retrying. We'll see.....

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r49]

    Several changes while diving back in. SO_REUSEADDRESS on sockets. On Linux, cannot listen on 8099 and 8098 (publisher) without "address in use" exception. On Linus Publish port is set to 0 for now (no publishing). We'lls ee how long it runs like this.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r48]

    This was a bust, I could not get it to reliably stay running on Linux. Maybe I go back for further abuse later.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r47]

    More minor tweaks. add a stupid RX tester app for brain dead RX work.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r46]

    Mods to Windows build for wrong response to 'authenticate", shorten timeouts to 5 sec. Fix bogue retry logic in Subscriber logic. Testing offline now.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r45]

    Desperation logging, additional log level extreme to log messages themselves. Reduce imalive interval from 75 to 40, was timing out at a couple of places. Reduce low level TCP receive timeout from 15 to 5 sec. Fix handling of messages from brokers with domain not IP. How did that ever work?

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r44]

    Subscriber listener thread logs major messages. Probably not a good idea. Subscriber harvester slowed down to once per 4 minutes. DEBUG allow remote debugger to attach if not --d. Sending to subscriber retries 4 times.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r43]

    Fix data path and clean up the test message. Direct write to console in outer exception handler if logger is inop.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r42]

    Changes so BrokerConfig takes BrokerIVORN and BrokerIVOID as synonyms (ridiculous)

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r41]

    Committing preliminary things needed to run on RasPi OS Linux and .NET 5. THe main broker is now running on the Raspberry Pi.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r40]

    Startup changes for eventual Linux daemon. systemctl scripts needed yet. use --d to start with no console output (daemon).

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r39]

    Ported message checker checkvo, just about there!!

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r38]

    Working Broker!!! Fixed 'authenticate' response too.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r37]

    Another checkpoint. Broker builds but not tested yet.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r36]

    Checkpoint - Converting to .NET 5 for cross-platform .... just backing up these changes.

  • Bob Denny Bob Denny committed [r35]

    First in a series to bring this tool set up to date, and to create versions of the broker and tools that run under .NET Core 2.2 which is portable/cross-platform to various Linuces and MacOS-X. When released it will be 4.0. This commit updates the VOEvent Transport message structure to 2.0, and fixes a bug where LIGO messages were being rejected for missing Author-IVOR. They include Author which satisfies the spec. For now, VOEvent 1.1 continues to be supported, mostly for the ancient VOEvent...

  • Charlyms Charlyms posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I try to start Dakota on my Win 10 64 bit machine, but get an errormessage:...