
#154 Feature suggestion: Jump to texture instance


Such a feature would really help with weeding out those textures that are marked as "used", but we can't pinpoint them anywhere in the level. Or just to locate a texture instance because we feel like it. It could loop back between instances of the texture and have some hotkey assigned - for example pressing say, F4 (I know it's already taken, just an example here) would center the view on a cube containing the texture currently selected in the Textures tab, factoring in the Use 1st and Use 2nd checkboxes. Do you think such a feature could be implemented sometime?


  • karx11erx

    karx11erx - 2015-04-27
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • Group: -->
  • karx11erx

    karx11erx - 2015-04-27

    In the texture pane, either simultaneously click with left and right mouse button (click left, then right, release only after both mouse buttons are pressed) on the texture to be located. Alternatively, use the middle mouse button. The segment and side with that texture on it will be marked by the current segment and side highlight.

    I was very reluctant to add this feature, simply because I am not eager to do a lot coding with DLE, but I needed this feature myself (had wished I had it in the past), and it actually proved to be very simple to implement.

    So there you are. :)


    Last edit: karx11erx 2015-04-27

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