
Deleted Main Space cannot retreive

Jus Rip
  • Jus Rip

    Jus Rip - 2009-05-31

    Accidentally deleted Main Space, now cannot retrieve from recycle bin? who can advise how to restore

    • Dhiraj Gupta

      Dhiraj Gupta - 2009-05-31

      Hi Jus,

      Ouch! You deleted the Main space. :(

      Hmmm..... restoring the entire Main space would require some ZMI (Zope backend UI) operations that will have to be figured out. How much data do you have in there?

      The main problem is that the data type of the Main Space is restricted to be added in the site container (to prevent re-addition to get another Main space). Unfortunately this means that you cannot entirely restore it without modifying those settings (in ZMI back-end screens).

      FIRST: Before doing anything else, backup your Data.fs file, and save it someplace safe. Just take the file from <buildoutdirectory>/var/filestorage/Data.fs and copy it out.

      I've not actually tried this, but you can try to create a new Main Space by reinstalling the "ubify.sitepolicy" product. Warning - DO NOT do this unless you have made a backup first - I have not tried this myself and I could be wrong.

      When the ubify sitepolicy product is reinstalled it should find the missing Main space and re-create it. Once the Main space is available again, you can:

      1. go to your recycle bin,
      2, go deeper into the Main Space,
      3. go to the Contents view
      4. Select all objects
      5. Select all objects across all pages
      6. Cut
      7. Go to the new Main Space
      8. Paste

      Hopefully your items should be restored and back to normal.

      If something goes wrong in this you're going to need the original Data.fs file so make sure you back it up first, like I said above.

      Dhiraj Gupta.


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