John Vicherek - 2001-03-30


  I was wondering, whether anybody has had any luck running screen with
cygwin - I have latest cygwin, DLL 1.1.8 (2001-01-30) and I tried both
screen-3.9.5 and 3.9.8 :

$ find /d/dl/ -name '*screen*' -ls  | cut -c 50-
  237538 Mar 14 18:53 /d/dl/http/
       0 Mar 14 18:50 /d/dl/ftp/
  289286 Jul  1  2000 /d/dl/ftp/

Problem : when running apps through a "screen" tty, terminal size is not right.

"vi" only works on 25x80, and "less" gets all screwed up. As "less" doesn't have a substitue, I'm stuck ! :) If fact, no apps recognize my
real terminal with and height, even "ls" shows only 4 columns, while there is space for at least 6 !

  Would you have any suggestions how to make screen work properly ?

  I tried running screen under cygwin terminal and under xterm (by telneting in).

   Many thanks in advance,
